FIFinderSync and NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension together

Can these FIFinderSync and NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension work together?

My app contains FIFinderSync Extension for files and folders to show Overlay icons. Recently I implemented FileProviderExtension to get the power of cloudsync.

As both of them are bundled at the same location Contents/PlugIns/. Only the FileProviderExtensions work.

Both have the same NSExtensionPointIdentifers, one uses while another one

Is this a limitation or what do I need to do so that both work together?

Edit: I just noticed, FinderExt and FileProviderExt keeps switching/swapping in between. So both work in parts. But not together.

It looks like the issue may or may not be with integrating FIFinderSync and FileProviderExtension, but since these both are implemented over the XPC, only one works at a time.

These two extensions can't work together

FIFinderSync and NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension together