Passkeys Implementation problem

Hello! We are trying to add passkeys support to our iOS application. Following this documentation Supporting Passkeys, we get the following error: authorizationController(controller:didCompleteWithError:): The operation couldn’t be completed. Application with identifier X is not associated with domain X. We have the associated domains configured, and an AASA tool shows that everything is correctly set up, and the identifier is associated with the domain. We are using Xcode 15. Any idea on how to solve this problem is greatly appreciated!

If you set up Associated Domains recently, mostly likely the Apple CDN hasn't picked it up yet. This will happen automatically when you submit your app to the App Store. For local development, you can skip the CDN and have your device talk directly to your server by using developer mode. There are details about setting that up here. You can learn more about how all of this works in What's new in Universal Links.

Passkeys Implementation problem