Complications only allow you to select from 15 items?

Just finalising some work on my app update, and it seems that when you go to select an item to show in a complication, when you select your app in the list, the subsequent list only shows 15 of your items.

If a user of my app has transferred 20 items to their Watch, they can't select five of them to be shown in a complication. Is that right?

If that's a hard limit then I need to be able to separate them out into bunches of 15 items, or maybe have them display under A-E, F-J etc.

Does this have to be done as a separate Widget in the WidgetBundle? And how do I do that? Given that I currently have one widget in that bundle that should show everything (20 items), how would I split it out to show an "A-E" widget with those items beginning with A...E? Do I have to have an A-E widget with its own set of data?

I'd really appreciate a pointer on this. Is there anyone from Apple who can confirm there's a 15-item limit? I can't see this limit mentioned in any documentation (it really should be).

Okay, without any confirmation from Apple - who have created this artificial limit - I'll just inform my users that Apple are to blame for a degraded experience.

Complications only allow you to select from 15 items?