How to obtain Swift interface files of all the iOS system Frameworks?

I hope to get all the swift interface files of all the iOS system Frameworks like what I get in Xcode

@available(iOS 4.0, *)
open class AVAsset : NSObject, NSCopying, AVAsynchronousKeyValueLoading {

      @method		assetWithURL:
      @abstract		Returns an instance of AVAsset for inspection of a media resource.
      @param		URL
    				An instance of NSURL that references a media resource.
      @result		An instance of AVAsset.
      @discussion	Returns a newly allocated instance of a subclass of AVAsset initialized with the specified URL.
    public convenience init(url URL: URL)

    /*	Indicates the duration of the asset. If @"providesPreciseDurationAndTiming" is NO, a best-available estimate of the duration is returned. The degree of precision preferred for timing-related properties can be set at initialization time for assets initialized with URLs. See AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey for AVURLAsset below.
    @available(iOS, introduced: 4.0, deprecated: 16.0, message: "Use load(.duration) instead")
    open var duration: CMTime { get }

    /*	indicates the natural rate at which the asset is to be played; often but not always 1.0
    @available(iOS, introduced: 4.0, deprecated: 16.0, message: "Use load(.preferredRate) instead")
    open var preferredRate: Float { get }

    /*	indicates the preferred volume at which the audible media of an asset is to be played; often but not always 1.0
    @available(iOS, introduced: 4.0, deprecated: 16.0, message: "Use load(.preferredVolume) instead")
    open var preferredVolume: Float { get }

    /*	indicates the preferred transform to apply to the visual content of the asset for presentation or processing; the value is often but not always the identity transform
    @available(iOS, introduced: 4.0, deprecated: 16.0, message: "Use load(.preferredTransform) instead")
    open var preferredTransform: CGAffineTransform { get }

     @property		minimumTimeOffsetFromLive
     @abstract		Indicates how close to the latest content in a live stream playback can be sustained.
     @discussion	For non-live assets this value is kCMTimeInvalid.
    @available(iOS, introduced: 13.0, deprecated: 16.0, message: "Use load(.minimumTimeOffsetFromLive) instead")
    open var minimumTimeOffsetFromLive: CMTime { get }
How to obtain Swift interface files of all the iOS system Frameworks?