Are PWA App Data and Cookies Cleared When iPad Turned Off for Long Periods


Getting reports from a client that they are being asked to re-login to their PWA (saved to their home screen) whenever they turn off their iPads for periods of 1-2hrs and then turn it back on again. Just noting, this isn't related to the 7 day cap on cookie data in webkit as we've already addressed this.

I've tested just turning it off for a few minutes on a standard iPhone with iOS17 but don't experience the same issue.

Does anyone know if it is part of iOS's device restart to clear PWA cookies etc. if the device has been off for a long time?

The only other avenue I can think of is that the client's devices may have some MDM setting for this.

Thanks in advance.

I hope you're doing well. I noticed your post about users being prompted to re-login to the PWA on their iPads after turning them off for extended periods. It's an interesting challenge.

I was wondering if you've received any responses or insights from the community regarding this issue. Additionally, have you been able to identify a solution or root cause for the re-login prompt? If there's any further information you can share, it would be helpful.

Also, I came across with some information related to PWAs and iOS behavior. Have you had a chance to explore this resource?

Looking forward to hearing more about your progress.

Are PWA App Data and Cookies Cleared When iPad Turned Off for Long Periods