How to implement a drag/grab effect for an entity in a RealityView?

I want to implement a simple object-grabbing effect for an entity defined inside a RealityView. I'm not sure what the recommended way is. The following can move the object but the coordinates seem to be messed up.

RealityView {
  self.myEntity = ModelEntity(...)
   DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
     .onChanged { value in
          let trans = value.translation3D
                    to: Transform(
                        scale: SIMD3(repeating: 1.0),
                        rotation: simd_quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1),
                        translation: SIMD3<Float>(Float(trans.x), Float(trans.y, -Float(trans.z))),
                    relativeTo: cards[item])

My wild guess is value.translation3D is defined in view space and move(to..) should use 3D space? I saw RealityCoordinateSpaceConverting but no idea how to use it. Any suggestions/links/examples are appreciated :)

How to implement a drag/grab effect for an entity in a RealityView?