#Gui Linux virtual machine on Mac

Good day , thank you very much for the #virtualization article I have now managed to create a linux(#debian 12/bookworm) virtual machine I now have the following questions.

  1. How can i increase the size of the GUI Linus VM.bundle from 68.72G to 150G?
  2. Unable to obtain an IP V4 address to a bridge (have intall brige-utils package) - can get IP v6 address without any problem.

my #bridge setup is auto br0 iface br0 inet dhcp bridge_ports enp0s1 bridge-stp on bridge-fd 0

  1. Unable to ping the host from the virtual machine , but able to ping vms from the host - no firewalls are running, how can i enable icmp from vm to host and host to other containers.

my target is to run lxd/incus containers to test few of my applications in apple silicon

I am now able to run lxd/incus without any problem. however i am not able to access the application that are running in the containers, provided I am logged into the linux vm which beats the purpose of publishing the my apps, few of the services are IBM informix REST API / Nginx .

My #requirement is 1, increase the size of the vm image.(#GUI Linux vm.bundle) 2. Obtain #ip address V4 for br0 3. Run #lxd / #incus containers 4. #icmp comms between host / vm / containers

Please let me know if there are possibilities to achieve my requirement. Thank you

#Gui Linux virtual machine on Mac