Location Push service extension is not fired

I'm trying to use the location push service extension for iOS, I have followed all the steps from the documentation:

  • I asked Apple for the entitlement and put it in the app
  • Created a new Target "Location Push Service Extension" in swift
  • I implemented the methods inside the service
  • I called startMonitoringLocationPushesWithCompletion: to receive the location apns token and i use it to send the push thanks to this demo and my p8 certificate

I receive a 200 when sending the push and i can see on my device that the push is received because a small icon (location) is shown on the top but my service is never fired even though i tried to put console logs and attaching to the process

Is there something I am missing?

I forgot to mention that my app already have the "always" permission for location

Location Push service extension is not fired