PacketTunnelProvider Stopped by SystemUIServer

Setup Details:

  • Apple M2 Pro
  • MacOs: 13.6 (22G120)

My machine came back from sleep at 9:25am. At 9:57am packet tunnel stopped, I could find below logs:

2023-11-08 09:57:51.812259+0530 0x72ad     Default     0x4adb               261    0    nesessionmanager: [] NESMVPNSession[Primary Tunnel:mycompany myproduct VPN:22FD4FD4-3E93-446F-961B-BFAE92561DD2:(null)]: Received a stop command from SystemUIServer[604] with reason 1

2023-11-08 09:57:52.115967+0530 0x6d02     Default     0x0                  796    0    com.mycompany.client.mycompany-Client.myproductui.myproductpkttunnel: (NetworkExtension) [] [Extension com.mycompany.client.mycompany-Client.myproductui]: Calling stopTunnelWithReason because: Stop command received         

Can someone please help in understand:

  • Why would 'SystemUIServer' trigger a stop command for my packet tunnel vpn with any user action?

Answered by Systems Engineer in 771574022

Why would 'SystemUIServer' trigger a stop command for my packet tunnel vpn with any user action?

No idea. I cannot say I've ever seen this before. If this is not just a one-off thing and you can reproduce it on-demand AND you are not trying to access the System Settings pane in any way then I would open a bug report for this, specifically for these lines:

2023-11-08 09:57:49.104576+0530 0x1475     Default     0x0                  604    0    SystemUIServer: (AppKit) [] order window front conditionally: fd related: 0
2023-11-08 09:57:49.106039+0530 0x1475     Error       0x0                  604    7    SystemUIServer: (SkyLight) [] CGSWindowShmemCreateWithPort failed on port 0
Accepted Answer

Why would 'SystemUIServer' trigger a stop command for my packet tunnel vpn with any user action?

No idea. I cannot say I've ever seen this before. If this is not just a one-off thing and you can reproduce it on-demand AND you are not trying to access the System Settings pane in any way then I would open a bug report for this, specifically for these lines:

2023-11-08 09:57:49.104576+0530 0x1475     Default     0x0                  604    0    SystemUIServer: (AppKit) [] order window front conditionally: fd related: 0
2023-11-08 09:57:49.106039+0530 0x1475     Error       0x0                  604    7    SystemUIServer: (SkyLight) [] CGSWindowShmemCreateWithPort failed on port 0

Thanks Matt. We will keep observing the setup and raise the bug as suggested by you.

PacketTunnelProvider Stopped by SystemUIServer