The custom port for the URL of a DNS-over-HTTPS server has no effect.

According to the document serverURL, the serverURL compliant RFC8484, which is based on RFC6570, which is based on RFC3986.

According to the Section-3.2.3 of RFC3986, the URL should support the optional port number in decimal

3.2.3.  Port

   The port subcomponent of authority is designated by an optional port
   number in decimal following the host and delimited from it by a
   single colon (":") character.

      port        = *DIGIT

   A scheme may define a default port.  For example, the "http" scheme
   defines a default port of "80", corresponding to its reserved TCP
   port number.  The type of port designated by the port number (e.g.,
   TCP, UDP, SCTP) is defined by the URI scheme.  URI producers and
   normalizers should omit the port component and its ":" delimiter if
   port is empty or if its value would be the same as that of the
   scheme's default.

But I found that iOS ignores the :port specified in the serverURL and always connect to the port 443.

Is this intended or a bug ?

Presumably you want iOS to support this? If so, I recommend that you file a bug explaining why it’s important to you.

Please post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

The custom port for the URL of a DNS-over-HTTPS server has no effect.