Mergeable Library: Symbol Not Found Runtime Crash

I have an iOS app target with a framework dependency and want to merge that framework by setting MERGED_BINARY_TYPE to automatic in the app target's build settings.

It all works fine until I add a (non-private) UIHostingController to the framework target. When I do this it crashes on startup with this message: dyld[15894]: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$__TtC5Frame4MyVC.

Xcode 15.1b3 Reported as bug via Feedback Assistant: FB13379276

Thanks for filing FB13379276.

This is always happening in merged modules that contain a subclass of any generic UIViewController subclass, btw.

And it's still happening with Xcode 15.4 beta 1.

Looks like this has been solved by Xcode 16 (Beta 1).

Mergeable Library: Symbol Not Found Runtime Crash