Universal Link not opening iOS App

I own two domains, https://www.skejuul.me and staging.skejuul.me. I have deployed a iOS App on App Store.. For this app universal links are not opening the App. And instead universal link is taking user to browser.

This is where we have hosted the AASA files for the servers:



Both files having same content:

{ "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appID": "K57UGNG49B.com.shiftrock.mobile", "paths": ["*"] } ] } }

Please note if we run our universal link for staging.skejuul.me it works i.e. it opens the app. But for https://www.skejuul.me domain it doesn't work.

https://www.skejuul.me/forgotpassword (opens browser)

https://staging.skejuul.me/forgotpassword (opens iOS App)

Universal Link not opening iOS App