apple login TypeError

hello. I am using the app with webview. When I log in to Apple, a typeerror appears. How can I solve this?

TypeError: this.attr(...).serialize is not a function
    at u.get (

    at t.getValueAndBind (

    at e.Compute._on (

    at e.Compute.<anonymous> (

    at e.Compute._bindsetup (

    at e.bindAndSetup [as bind] (

    at e.Compute.temporarilyBind (

    at e.Compute.get (

    at Object.u [as compute] (

    at u.___get (

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'serialize')

    at u.inserted (

    at HTMLElement.<anonymous> (

    at HTMLElement.dispatch (

    at v.handle (

    at Object.trigger (

    at Object.trigger (

    at e.inserted (

    at t.each.e.fn.<computed> [as append] (

    at O.fn.init.<anonymous> (

    at W (

apple login TypeError