Microphone icon in menu bar not disappear

Hello, I am an audio developer, currently using macOS version 14.1.1. I noticed that after disabling the microphone, the small yellow dot in the Control Center disappears immediately, but the one in the menu bar takes about 20 seconds to disappear. I tested the built-in Voice Memos app and found the same behavior. Our users may be concerned about their privacy being violated, even though the software is not using the microphone at that time.

We believe this is a bug, and the microphone icon in the menu bar should disappear immediately after the microphone is no longer in use. Do you have plans to fix this issue in future versions? Additionally, is there any workaround for the current version?

As a supplement, we are using CoreAudio API with AudioDeviceStart & AudioDeviceStop, not AudioUnit.

Microphone icon in menu bar not disappear