Apple Pay - Deferred Token Usage

I know Apple Pay recently added some new token types for unscheduled card on file use cases.

In my app, I attain the token from Apple Pay, and then I submit that token to my gateway for full payment anywhere from 1-12 hours later-- after the user had used up the service. The final payment is based on a usage of the service.

Do I need to use the ApplePayDeferredPaymentRequest token type for this kind of use case?

I am using the "ApplePayDeferredPaymentRequest". I set the "deferredPaymentDate" to 12 hours from the initial request, but am able to capture before that. I also set an approximate amount, but am able to capture more or less.

It seems to all be working, though the documentation is pretty thin at this point. I'd love to heard from an Apple Rep about this use case.

Apple Pay - Deferred Token Usage