When "zooming" in on the camera, the "joint information" comes out wrong.


I am a student who just studied Swift.

It has succeeded in obtaining body joint information through 'skelton.jointLandmarks' from a typical screen, but every time I zoom in, there is a problem that this joint information is not on the human body and moves sideways and downward.

From my guess, there may be a problem that the center of the AR screen is not located in the center of the cell phone screen.

I've been searching for information for 3 days due to this problem, but I couldn't find a similar case, and I haven't been able to solve it.

If there is a case of solving a similar problem, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

Below link is how I zoomed in on the ARView screen. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64896064/can-i-use-zoom-with-arview

Thank you.

Below is how I'm currently having trouble.

When "zooming" in on the camera, the "joint information" comes out wrong.