SwiftUI Alert View display all in Upper Cases

MacOS: 13.6.2 (22G320) Xcode 14.3 Simulator: iPhone 14 pro , (iOS 17 and iOS 16.4) building below code template:

            .alert(isPresented: $showAlert) {
                Alert(title: Text(alertModel.title),
                      message: Text(alertModel.message),
                      primaryButton: .default(Text(alertModel.primaryCTALabel), action: {
                            openExternalURL(urlString: dataSource[0].ctaPath)
                      secondaryButton: .default(Text(alertModel.secondaryCTALabel), action: {
                        showAlert = false

above will show a normal Alert View , all the text in Alert View will be shown as I set in the 'alertModel', but if I replace the model value like below: Alert( title: Text(" Alert Title"), message: Text("Message body"), primaryButton: , secondaryButton:) Then the Alert will show all text in Upper Case only, but the origin one is "Alert Title", including upper case and lower case. For using the plain text in Alert(), any ideas to fix it? Or Only can warp all the text in a struct / class? ?

Thanks a lot!!

SwiftUI Alert View display all in Upper Cases