Upgrade to 17.1.1 and now my iPad is "waiting to reconnect to iPad"

Was working on an app and then upgraded my iPad to 17.1.1 and now I get "waiting to reconnect to iPad"

When I connected the mac to the iPad is asked to trust which I do. Then I go into the waiting to reconnect to iPad.

I've also tried "clear trusted computers' but go into the same process of trusting and then waiting.

If I press run I get "waiting to reconnect to iPad Previous preparation error: An error occurred while communicating with a remote process.. The connection was invalidated."

xcode : 15.0.1 (check for updates on app store but this is the latest)

macOS : Somoma 14.1.1

It seems like we all have trouble with xCode 15 and ios 17. As I see the problem is, xcode 15 automatically enable the feature "connect via network". Once you detach USB cable, xcode will try to find your device in network and it cause to bugs (same to me)

sorry actually the title for this should read "Upgrade to 17.1.1 and xcode is "waiting to reconnect to iPad" " Its an issue with xcode and 17.1.1 upgrade

Was this problem ever resolved? I get the waiting to reconnect to iPad message. I have never been able to connect to the iPad.

The version of iPadOS is 17.5.1. The Macbook is Sonoma 14.5.

The version of Xcode is 15.4. The reason for 3 posts is I'm waiting for the posts to be reviewed and possibly published.

Upgrade to 17.1.1 and now my iPad is "waiting to reconnect to iPad"