Instagram Profile URL from their browser to App Store does not load

I have posted my App Store URL as a link inside our Instagram profile ( When I press the link, the in-app-browser loads the link which tries to open the App Store link, but it just stalls. Visible issue on all devices I am told.
If I re-open the link in the external browser from Instagram it loads fine.

Edit to add, this happens on Facebook too, from the profile page

What can I do so I can have my app store link open correctly?

Here is a video of what is happening: link to video

This is Instagram/Facebook's fault. They don't want users to leave their app for tracking/marketing purposes, so they prevent deep-linking from working correctly and deploy their own in-app browser to handle all links. There's nothing you can do about this.

What I've seen work is that if you navigate as a result of a click (<a> tag or onclick) to a different domain inside the in-app browser, it will work (most of the time).

Instagram Profile URL from their browser to App Store does not load