Simple scriptable macOS Xcode Swift App example please

Does anyone have a simple example for a scriptable App in Swift in Xcode for macOS? I mean one that exposes objects and functions to applescript? I've checked all examples that I could find. But for me they get me confused about whether they are accessing the actual and already existing instance of a class or whether they are creating an instance with AppleScript, or just using the class definition to call some function. Also the way they are defined in the .sdef file does not help. It would be great if someone had a really simple example, stripped down to bare minimum that 1) defines a class with a single function, 2) creates an instance of the class inside appDelegate and then 3) the function of the specific instance is called using appleScript. 4) It would be great if the function could do something in the GUI, such as change a text of a Label.

Simple scriptable macOS Xcode Swift App example please