Retrieve AnchorEntity Location relative to Scene?

I want to place a ModelEntity at an AnchorEntity's location, but not as a child of the AnchorEntity. ( I want to be able to raycast to it, and have collisions work.)

I've placed an AnchorEntity in my scene like so:

AnchorEntity(.plane(.vertical, classification: .wall, minimumBounds: [2.0, 2.0]), trackingMode: .continuous)

In my RealityView update closure, I print out this entity's position relative to "nil" like so:

wallAnchor.position(relativeTo: nil)

Unfortunately, this position doesn't make sense. It's very close to zero, even though it appears several meters away.

I believe this is because AnchorEntities have their own self contained coordinate spaces that are independent from the scene's coordinate space, and it is reporting its position relative to its own coordinate space.

How can I bridge the gap between these two?

WorldAnchor has an originFromAnchorTransform property that helps with this, but I'm not seeing something similar for AnchorEntity.

Thank you

Retrieve AnchorEntity Location relative to Scene?