AuthorizationCenter.shared times out and makes my ScreenTime App Unusable

Any way that I try requesting authorization for family controls is incredibly inconsistent.

The line of code that hangs is **let center = AuthorizationCenter.shared **

I've looked at other posts and I saw someone recommended declaring let center = AuthorizationCenter.shared outside the main thread and somehow get the status on the main thread. I've tried that approach with no success. I've scoured GitHub to see how other people approach the request but it's all pretty similar.

The following code sometimes works great for a few minutes and then I rebuild and run and it hangs on AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization(for: FamilyControlsMember.individual). Would love any suggestions!!!

    .onAppear {
        Task {
           do {
               print("try requestAuthorization")
               try await AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization(for: FamilyControlsMember.individual)
               print("requestAuthorization success")
               switch AuthorizationCenter.shared.authorizationStatus {
               case .notDetermined:
                   print("not determined")
               case .denied:
               case .approved:
               @unknown default:
           } catch {
               print("Error requestAuthorization: ", error)
AuthorizationCenter.shared times out and makes my ScreenTime App Unusable