Missing "price" and "currency" in "Get Transaction History" response


I am using the Get Transaction History endpoint in our application back end and I've noticed that "price" and "currency" are no longer in the response payload.

I did not see this change in the Apple App Store Server API Changelog and was wondering if this is due to a pending change or an error on Apple's server-side?

I've added handling into my application to not utilize those items in the payload but it would be nice to have them if they are going to return.

I noticed the same problem. I do use these fields in the backend when validating the purchase of a a consumable product. Is there an alternative way to retrieve price and currency?

We got blocked to release StoreKit2 update because Apple changed the interfaces without notifications. And we are forced to re-develop the increment over StoreKit1 source code again. Apple dev team, please don't do such things 💩.

Its good to hear that I'm not the only one facing this problem, but disheartening to see that Apple just updates their interfaces without any warning.

I would expect little or no warning from a small team or individual working on a passion project, but for a corporation as large as Apple to just push a change to a well documented endpoint without notification nor update to the documentation is just strange. Millions of developers rely on the documentation to be accurate, but now it isn't and we can't even get an explanation in the change log about why and how this has changed.

Can anyone from Apple weigh in on this? Will "price" and "currency" return at some point?

It seems like the issue is resolved now. I see price and currency in GET Transaction Info response. Looks like the dev team introduced a breaking API change by mistake.

Missing "price" and "currency" in "Get Transaction History" response