Xcode 15 - Apple Watch Companion Embed Not Working

  • It’s still not working for me on 15.3 on a legacy app/watch app that has been working and compiling fun until now Tried the sym link and still no app installation even though the code seems to be built.

    it will it install on either the device or simulator.

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I have the same problem. Can't run Apple Watch simulator at all.

same issue

I had the same problem today. I think the error is caused by the addition of spaces when naming the target extension. "MyAppWatch Watch App"

same for me. I've tried everything but same error appears. How can I run the watch app if this error appears every time, it's not normal...

Same here

No a solution but a workaround... Open the bundleURL parent path as shown in the error message and make a copy of your Debug-watchsimulator folder, renaming it to Debug-watchos, then build again. I filed this as FB13440925

  • Thanks for the workaround. I did a symbolic link instead of a copy in order to always get the correct version of the application. For this, open a terminal in the directory where Debug-watchsimulator is located and type the command ln -s Debug-watchsimulator Debug-watchos.

  • big thanks @Fred__ , your workaround works perfectly

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Additionally, this is an Xcode 15.1 regression, it works fine on Xcode 15.0.1.

A bit more experimenting, the issue is with watch apps with companion app, whether adding watch app to existing iOS app or creating a new project with iOS/watchOS app pair it will fail to run. Create a new standalone watchOS app and it works.

It seems like you can only deploy standalone watch apps (FB13480884).

I have the same issue, and reported it to Apple. The issue for me seems to be that the missing file is looked for in directory <some_long_path_name>/Debug-watchos, while it is located in directory <some_long_path_name>/Debug-watchsimulator

As a work-around, in the Terminal, cd to the <some_long_path_name> directory, and create a symbolic link as follows:

ln -s Debug-watchsimulator Debug-watchos

This works until the next time you do a "Clean build folder".

  • Thank you for this precise work-around and reporting it to Apple.

    What a shame for Apple, to have this as a known issue in the Release Notes of Xcode 15.1, but deliberately failing to resolve it in Xcode 15.2. Especially since it's just a folder name somewhere in their code.

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I have the same issue with Xcode 15.2. I am using the symlink workaround for now.

symlink not work when building and force_load my lib