Universal Links was not working fine

Universal Links was not working fine on my phone.But I build and run on simulator is fine. I wrote Associated Domains Settings in Xcode applinks:example.com.tw?mode=developer applinks:example.com.tw

the association file in the following URL https://example.com.tw/.well-known/apple-app-site-association { "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appIDs": ["AAA.example"], "components": [{ "/": "/app/*" } ] } ] } }

I used the simulator on Xcode to test the URL and successfully saw the text "Open in the "AAA" App". However, when I published the APP on Testflight and let the mobile phone download and test it, it was invalid. of. I tried using Settings > Developer > Universal Link Diagnosis > on my Iphone and entering [https://example.com.tw/app] and I will see "The URL is a Universal Link for the app" with identifier "BBB.example"" This TeamID setting is different from the file I put on the website. I have never wrote this TeamID setting.

May I ask if I have made any wrong settings? Thank you, Jane

Universal Links was not working fine