Crash iOS 17.1 - WebSelectionRect

The application that I'm working on uses WebKit. I'm seeing some crashes that happen only in iOS 17.1, regarding the WebSelectionRect.

NSInvalidArgumentException: -[WebSelectionRect _transform]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x280e18dc0

0  CoreFoundation +0xec86c  ___exceptionPreprocess
1  libobjc.A.dylib +0x2bbfc _objc_exception_throw
2  CoreFoundation +0x17d198 -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:]
3  CoreFoundation +0x31ff4  ____forwarding___
4  CoreFoundation +0x172b0c ___forwarding_prep_0___
5  UIKitCore +0x9314ac      -[_UITextChoiceAccelerationBubble updateWithChoices:fromParentView:referenceTextView:presentedFromRect:]
6  UIKitCore +0x93a8cc      ___96-[_UITextChoiceAccelerationAssistant showPromptForReplacementCandidate:originalCandidate:delay:]_block_invoke
7  Foundation +0x74dd68     ___NSFireTimer
9  CoreFoundation +0xad274  ___CFRunLoopDoTimer
10 CoreFoundation +0x36e70  ___CFRunLoopDoTimers
11 CoreFoundation +0x33e88  ___CFRunLoopRun
12 CoreFoundation +0x33664  _CFRunLoopRunSpecific
13 GraphicsServices +0x35e8 _GSEventRunModal
14 UIKitCore +0x22d37c      -[UIApplication _run]
15 UIKitCore +0x22c9b8      _UIApplicationMain
16 *** +0xe330     main (main.m:16:10)
17 dyld +0x5dc8             start

This behavior was not seen in any other iOS version. Is there a way to find the reason for this error? Or has anyone faced it and could solve it?

This is a known issue that is fixed in iOS 17.2.

Crash iOS 17.1 - WebSelectionRect