statusInfo field in CMAbsoluteAltitudeData


When sometimes have bad values when reading the AbsoluteAltitude of the Watch. I'm running WatchOS 10.2 and it seems to be a new issue/bug.

When I print out the debugDescription of the received data, I got a statusInfo field at 0 when it works, and at 2 when not. But I didn't find any explanation of the value nor how to access it.

// OK: 0
Optional(AbsoluteAltitude: 223.266052, Accuracy: 6.944067, Precision 0.500000, statusInfo: 0, timestamp :726142069.230969)

// NOT OK: 2
Optional(AbsoluteAltitude: 121.610824, Accuracy: 3.156758, Precision 5.000000, statusInfo: 2, timestamp :726152607.239057)

Have someone experienced similar issues or now what this field is for?

Thx and greetings!

statusInfo field in CMAbsoluteAltitudeData