3rd party SDK requirements

Hi everyone, after looking through the WWDC videos and documentations I can see that there is a new requirement of privacymanifest and code signature for 3rd party SDKs consumed as a binary dependency.

I just have two questions in relation to this

1.if my company takes the source code of let's say AFNetworking and build it into a binary dependency in our environment for our app to consume. Does this mean that we can provide our own privacy manifest and code signing?

2. If we are unable to provide our own manifest and code signature in the case of MFEs such as AFNetworking that is deprecated. How will we proceed from there?

I have more to add to those questions.

  1. Does SPM, Cocoapods third-party libraries needs to signed by authors ? If so, those third-party libraries are compiled with our project so is it us who are the app builders needs to sign those libraries ?
  2. What if the authors of the third-party libraries stop supporting the library. AFNetworking is not supported anymore, so what we should do about this ?
  3. We are using a third-party library that uses another third-party library. If it is not signed with the authors, what should we do ?
3rd party SDK requirements