AppStore Connect API - Random 405 Error When Batch Updating Localizations

I wrote some scripts in Python to make supporting multiple Localizations much easier, however I run into some weird errors when looping through and updating the App Info for a handful of random languages.

Check out this log.

These calls are all being made in an identical way, why am I getting 405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED on:


ca localization created/updated successfully
zh-Hans localization created/updated successfully
zh-Hant localization created/updated successfully
hr localization created/updated successfully
cs localization created/updated successfully
da localization created/updated successfully
Failed to create/update nl localization: {'errors': [{'status': '405', 'code': 'METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED', 'title': 'The request method is not valid for the resource path.', 'detail': 'The request method used for this request is not valid for the resource path. Please consult the documentation.'}]}
fi localization created/updated successfully
Failed to create/update fr localization: {'errors': [{'status': '405', 'code': 'METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED', 'title': 'The request method is not valid for the resource path.', 'detail': 'The request method used for this request is not valid for the resource path. Please consult the documentation.'}]}
Failed to create/update de localization: {'errors': [{'status': '405', 'code': 'METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED', 'title': 'The request method is not valid for the resource path.', 'detail': 'The request method used for this request is not valid for the resource path. Please consult the documentation.'}]}
el localization created/updated successfully
he localization created/updated successfully
hi localization created/updated successfully
hu localization created/updated successfully
id localization created/updated successfully
it localization created/updated successfully
ja localization created/updated successfully
ko localization created/updated successfully
ms localization created/updated successfully
no localization created/updated successfully
pl localization created/updated successfully
Failed to create/update pt localization: {'errors': [{'status': '405', 'code': 'METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED', 'title': 'The request method is not valid for the resource path.', 'detail': 'The request method used for this request is not valid for the resource path. Please consult the documentation.'}]}
pt-PT localization created/updated successfully
ro localization created/updated successfully
ru localization created/updated successfully
sk localization created/updated successfully
Failed to create/update sl localization: {'errors': [{'status': '405', 'code': 'METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED', 'title': 'The request method is not valid for the resource path.', 'detail': 'The request method used for this request is not valid for the resource path. Please consult the documentation.'}]}
Failed to create/update es localization: {'errors': [{'status': '405', 'code': 'METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED', 'title': 'The request method is not valid for the resource path.', 'detail': 'The request method used for this request is not valid for the resource path. Please consult the documentation.'}]}
sv localization created/updated successfully
th localization created/updated successfully
tr localization created/updated successfully
uk localization created/updated successfully
vi localization created/updated successfully
AppStore Connect API - Random 405 Error When Batch Updating Localizations