Possible issues with Websockets in Safari 17?

Hi, we have a WebRTC application web application in which our video freezes in Safari 17 (no other browsers or earlier Safari).

Our application also uses js Websockets as part of signalling protocols. We seem to get video freezing when we establish and send data over one of these websockets. We have seen various posts online about websocket fragmentation bugs causing ESP (?) issues with the new NSURLSession Websocket implementation, but don't see any resolution (nor how in Safari 17 if we can switch back to a legacy websocket implementation).

Additionally, we don't appear to have problems with one of our APIs, which differs in the 'problematic' one in that it uses a Websocket with a 'binaryType' defaulted to 'Blob', whereas our troublesome one sets the binary type to 'arraybuffer'. I saw that the Safari 17 release notes mentions 'Fixed WebSocket’s binaryType setter to not throw. (109192086)' but, again, I can't find any further detail and whether this means that there are still issues with Safari 17 Websocket binaryType?

Obviously, we will try changing our implementation to use 'Blob' and see if this makes a difference, but it would be useful to know if anyone has had any similar issues with Safari 17?????

Kind regards, Mike

Just as an update, tried changing the data type to Blob/text and this made no difference - there's still an issue. We also realised that no data was actively being sent on the 'non-problematic' web socket whilst the webrtc video call was active. When we sent data during a video call over this web socket, then we get video freezes....

Any link to https://discussions.apple.com/thread/255159008??

Possible issues with Websockets in Safari 17?