AppAttest generateAssertion returns DCErrorInvalidInput

I am seeing DCErrorInvalidInput returned from DCAppAttestService generateAssertion: in production.

Can anyone suggest what might cause this, and what I should do in response? The documentation says of this error code: "An error code that indicates when your app provides data that isn’t formatted correctly.:

The only input to the method is the key ID and the data hash. I generate the hash with CC_SHA256() and then put the bytes in an NSData. I don't think much can go wrong with that, though I can't see exactly what is being passed in my diagnostics.

There is another error response, DCErrorInvalidKey which I handle separately. I am wondering if problems with the key ID are being reported as "invalid input" rather than "invalid key". I can see the key ID in my diagnostics and it looks legitimate, i.e. it's 32 random-looking bytes, base64-encoded.

Suggestions anyone?

AppAttest generateAssertion returns DCErrorInvalidInput