AppStore rejected my app saying "When registering with Sign in with Apple, your app still asks for First name, Last name, Birthday and Gender."

After signup via Apple Signup method in my Flutter app, it retrieves only First Name and Last Name, this was done by separating the full name given by the Apple signup divided into two, and populated it among the First Name and Last Name text boxes. In the same screen there is a date selector to select the birthday and 3 buttons to choose gender between Male, Female and Other. When I submitting to this app for AppStore it was rejected several time. This is the last message given by App Store Review - Hello,

Thank you for your efforts to follow our guidelines.

When registering with Sign in with Apple, your app still asks for First name, Last name, Birthday and Gender.

First name and last name fields can be auto populated.

Please note that birthday and gender fields are not directly related to the core functionality of the app.

If you need more help, please kindly refer to App Store Connect Developer Help.

Guideline 4.0 - Design

Your app still requires users to provide their name, birthday and gender after using Sign in with Apple. This information is already provided by the Authentication Services framework.

Next Steps

Please revise the Sign in with Apple experience in your app to address the issues we identified above.

What is the solution for this? If this is accepted when full name is displaying after signup in a seperate screen and birthday and gender in a seperate screens? Please guide me through this to be accepted my app by App Store Review. Thanks

AppStore rejected my app saying "When registering with Sign in with Apple, your app still asks for First name, Last name, Birthday and Gender."