WKWebView FCP and LCP events (Core Web Vitals)

I'm looking to gather the Core Web Vitals for the performance of the sites I open in my app using WKWebView. Specifically I'm looking for events that indicate the following: FCP: First Contentful Paint LCP: Largest Contentful Paint

The idea is taken from the following article: https://web.dev/articles/vitals

Does WKWebView generate those events? If so, could you please provide a reference? I was unable to find anything in my research.

If it does not generate those events, could you provide some guidance on how they could be generated by maybe injecting a script or deriving those events from some existing events?

I understand that this might be a complex query. So it would be great if you can provide partial answers while you look to help me with the rest of the answers and solutions.

Appreciate your help with this. Vivandro.

WKWebView FCP and LCP events (Core Web Vitals)