Transaction id not found in sandbox test?

in-app purchase:

when client commit the purchase, client will send the purchase data to the server, server will get transaction to read the information but when i tested on sandbox, i get the transaction i got { errorCode: 4040010, errorMessage: 'Transaction id not found.' }

give me some advice please.


The error code 4040010 with the message "Transaction id not found" typically indicates that the server is unable to locate or validate the provided transaction ID. Here are some common reasons for encountering this error in the context of in-app purchases and server-side validation:

Delayed Processing in Sandbox: Transactions in the sandbox environment may not be immediately available for server-side validation. It's possible that there could be a delay between the client's purchase and the availability of transaction data on the server side. Make sure you allow sufficient time for transactions to be processed and appear in the sandbox environment.

Correct Transaction ID: Ensure that you are passing the correct transaction ID to the server for validation. Double-check the transaction ID being sent to the server and make sure it corresponds to the purchase being validated.

Receipt Validation: Apple recommends validating in-app purchase receipts on the server to ensure their authenticity. The receipt contains information about the transaction, and you can extract the transaction ID from it. Verify the receipt using Apple's verification server or a third-party library.

Example code using Node.js and the request-promise library:

const receiptData = '...'; // Provide the receipt data from the client
const password = 'your_shared_secret'; // Your shared secret

const options = {
    method: 'POST',
    uri: '', // Use production URL for the actual app
    body: {
        'receipt-data': receiptData,
        'password': password
    json: true

    .then(response => {
        // Handle the response, extract transaction ID, and validate
    .catch(error => {

Ensure Server Accessibility: Confirm that your server has the necessary connectivity to reach Apple's verification server. Check for any network issues or firewalls that might be preventing communication with Apple's servers.

Test with a Real Purchase: Sometimes, issues in the sandbox environment may not accurately reflect the behavior in a real-world scenario. Test your in-app purchase flow with a real purchase in the production environment to see if the issue persists.

Check Apple Developer Console: Monitor the Apple Developer Console for any reported issues or error messages related to your in-app purchases. It may provide additional insights into why the transaction ID is not being found.

By addressing these points and ensuring that your server-side validation process is correctly implemented, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve the "Transaction id not found" error.