Troubleshouting AVCam build for iOS and run on MacBook with macos14 (Sonoma)

Hello, I tried to build AVCam sample application for iOS17 and run it on MacBook (designed as iPad) with macos14.3 (Sonoma).

  1. When building and testing with Xcode 15.2, AVCam application crashes systematically when choosing target "My Mac (Designed for iPad)"

In fact, SIGABORT signal is received in a thread dealing with "portrait effect" Thread 19 Queue : (serial)

Is it a known bug? Is there a workaround about this case?

Best regards

  1. External webcam is detected by AVCam but preview and capture are systematically upside down. (may be the same FaceTime HD camera's)

Is it a known bug? Is there a workaround about this case?

Did you ever find a solution to the crashing bug? I'm seeing this to in the AVCam sample app when run on the Mac.

This is also an issue I am getting, I think bypassing the portrait effects may help this. I am going to give this a go now!

I'm running into the same issue. There doesn't appear to be a way to disable Portrait features via the SDK, so that rules out that as a workaround.

Set the build destination to Mac Catalyst, and the build will run properly. I filed a feedback (FB13904284) and shared this with Apple engineers during a WWDC24 lab session.

I could not find the feedback in the assistant.

Written by appleSince80 in 791065022

I am seeing this on Sonoma with My Mac (Designed for iPhone) app.

Thread 37 Queue : (serial)

I am not using mac catalyst. Error occurs 100% of launches regardless of the configuration. App works fine on iPhone and in iOS emulator. Error occurs when accessing the camera.

    0x195662a58 <+0>:  mov    x16, #0x148
    0x195662a5c <+4>:  svc    #0x80
->  0x195662a60 <+8>:  b.lo   0x195662a80               ; <+40>
    0x195662a64 <+12>: pacibsp 
    0x195662a68 <+16>: stp    x29, x30, [sp, #-0x10]!
    0x195662a6c <+20>: mov    x29, sp
    0x195662a70 <+24>: bl     0x19565abb0               ; cerror_nocancel
    0x195662a74 <+28>: mov    sp, x29
    0x195662a78 <+32>: ldp    x29, x30, [sp], #0x10
    0x195662a7c <+36>: retab  
    0x195662a80 <+40>: ret

It has been almost a year, and the issue is still persist.

For further analysis, I have confirmed that,

I am using AVCaptureDeviceDiscoverySession to enumerate the cameras. By default, the app is always using the firstObject of devices.

In iOS/iPhone/iPad, it always fallback to the built-in camera, and there is no issue with it.

in Mac, it always fallback to the FaceTime camera, and it always crashes at the exactly same place of thread

And I also tried, other than the firstOject of devices returned by AVCaptureDeviceDiscoverySession, but other camera in the system, then the crash disappears.

I think it is sufficient to prove that the FaceTime camera with portrait.effect_init has some issue against each other. Please investigate.

Troubleshouting AVCam build for iOS and run on MacBook with macos14 (Sonoma)