Show ImmersiveSpace Not Working in Default Code

When starting a new visionOS project in Xcode, there used to be a button to show the default immersive space in the default ContentView. Now as of some time recently, it is no longer a button but a toggle. When toggled, nothing happens. The two balls from the immersive space do not appear. Is this intentional?

There is also no templates for visionOS when adding a new file to Xcode project. The visionOS option used to be there when adding a new file. This is along with various bugs I have encountered when trying to follow extremely simple starter app tutorials posted by community, albeit these tutorials were posted 3-6 months ago. What has changed so drastically that now it seems like nothing works? I actually factory reset my Mac mini M2 because I could not find answers/solutions. This actually fixed some of the bugs I was having, but not most, including the big ones mentioned above.

So what's going on? This is 2 fresh installs of latest Sonoma and Xcode beta where I'm having issues. Is something not being downloaded or installed correctly? Any suggestions appreciated

After closing Xcode and opening, now the ImmersiveSpace works... But there is still no visionOS options when trying to add new File.

Show ImmersiveSpace Not Working in Default Code