About the key"Supports opening documents in place"and the Container Import of Xcode 15.2

when I use Xcode14 build on the iOS16, the keys"Supports opening documents in place"and"Application supports iTunes file sharing"works normally, it has a App folder in"My iPhone".But it's strange that when I update my Xcode and iOS to 15.2 and 17.2, it s don't working.not only there is not a App folder in"My iPhone",but also the container doesn't works too.More specifically speaking, I download the container from the device and add files into "Documents"folder. when I try to replace the container, it has no respond, and files cannot be founded in the device as well. But when I try to download the container from the device again, I found that the files is already there.

Environment: MacBook Pro 2017 with macOS 13.6.3 Xcode 15.2 iPad Air 5 with iOS 17.2

when I try to replace the container, it has no respond, and files cannot be founded in the device as well.

This sounds like the issue being discussed on this thread.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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About the key"Supports opening documents in place"and the Container Import of Xcode 15.2