Nested code is modified or invalid issue when submitting a macOS app to App Store


Im currently having signing issues submitting my Swift macOS app to App Store Connect. After submitting it using Xcode I receive an e-mail with these issues:

ITMS-90238: Invalid Signature - The main app bundle CodeMenu at path has following signing error(s): nested code is modified or invalid . Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide at and Technical Note 2206 at for more information.

ITMS-90238: Invalid Signature - The nested app bundle CodeMirror-SwiftUI at path has following signing error(s): valid on disk /Volumes/workspace/app_data/SWValidationService/mz_15562079435119469448dir/mz_7860448159412669971dir/id.thedev.marcin.CodeMenu.pkg/Payload/ does not satisfy its designated Requirement /Volumes/workspace/app_data/SWValidationService/mz_15562079435119469448dir/mz_7860448159412669971dir/id.thedev.marcin.CodeMenu.pkg/Payload/ explicit requirement satisfied . Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide at and Technical Note 2206 at for more information.

ITMS-90238: Invalid Signature - The nested app bundle iosMath at path has following signing error(s): valid on disk /Volumes/workspace/app_data/SWValidationService/mz_15562079435119469448dir/mz_7860448159412669971dir/id.thedev.marcin.CodeMenu.pkg/Payload/ does not satisfy its designated Requirement /Volumes/workspace/app_data/SWValidationService/mz_15562079435119469448dir/mz_7860448159412669971dir/id.thedev.marcin.CodeMenu.pkg/Payload/ explicit requirement satisfied . Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide at and Technical Note 2206 at for more information.

ITMS-90296: App sandbox not enabled - The following executables must include the '' entitlement with a Boolean value of true in the entitlements property list: [[]] Refer to App Sandbox page at for more information on sandboxing your app.

The app has required entitlements enabled, like App Sandbox and Hardened Runtime. I don't know what can be the cause of it, but from what I read I'm guessing that something is somewhere it isn't meant to be and the other issues are a result of it. However, I don't know how can I begin debugging this. thank you in advance.

My general process for debugging problems like this is:

  1. Instead of submitting the app using the Xcode organiser, export the app, choosing all the same options you used when you submitted it.

  2. Then upload the app using Transporter.

  3. If that works then something weird is happening. Assuming it fails in the same way…

  4. You then have a copy of the app that exactly matches the copy that App Store Connect was analysing. You can pull it apart and confirm your assumptions about it.

For advice on how to unpack an installer package (.pkg), see Unpacking Apple Archives.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Nested code is modified or invalid issue when submitting a macOS app to App Store