Desktop dokuments are invisible but exist

So ever since I restarted my M1 Mac, I have encountered a peculiar issue where files on the desktop or in Finder are not visible, despite their existence being confirmed via Terminal and other applications like VS Code. This can be quite frustrating, especially when it disrupts workflow and access to crucial files. That problem could also happen after updating the Mac too.

Resolve 1:

You toggle the iCloud settings on and off by going to Settings > Profile > iCloud > iCloud drive > Desktop and Dokuments Folders. after that restart the Mac and it's fixed. this worked for the most people but it did not for me.

Resolve 2:

open the Terminal and Navigate the the Desktop Directory by typing in:

cd ~/Desktop

To enshure your in the directory you can see the ..desktop % behind the cursor, and after that, set the visibility to True, by typing in:

chflags nohidden *

This should fix the issue.

Desktop dokuments are invisible but exist