Videojs player issue on iOS 17 software update


After iOS 17 software update, we've encountered an anomaly with the video element within our videojs player. Upon video load, there's a noticeable shift and recentring of the video to its correct position.

This issue becomes more pronounced when the player is in a horizontal orientation while the video being played is vertical.

Additionally, we've observed resizing and cropping issues during the initialization of the player, which were not present in earlier versions. In our current implementation, we have a canvas element inserted before the player. Due to resizing, the video sticks to the canvas and fails to return to the correct position.

    <video class="vjs-tech" 
           src="hls video source">
     <canvas style="filter: blur(15px)" class="vjs-tech custom-canvas" width="412" height="320">
Videojs player issue on iOS 17 software update