StoreKit's manageSubscriptionsSheet view modifier not loading

Our app was just rejected by Apple because they say the subscription management sheet never loads. It just spins indefinitely.

We're using StoreKit's manageSubscriptionsSheet view modifier to present the sheet, and it's always worked for us when testing in SandBox.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Given that it's Apple's own code that got us rejected, what's our path forward?

Hello! Please create a ticket in and attach a sysdiagnose along with any other relevant info, and share ticket ID here. Thank you!

I have a very similar issue too where the SubscriptionStoreView is showing 'The subscription is unavailable in the current storefront.' in production. I submitted a Feedback ticket (FB13658521) with no valuable response, I'm really unclear on the pathway forward here (aside from re implementing all subscription functionality) as it's Apples own Views that have broken and only reproducible when the app is live on the AppStore.

@Ken_D did you manage to solve this issue? My app gets rejected for the exact same issue, but I don't know what's causing it. I've tried the exact same environment setup as described by app review rejection, but it works fine on all my setups.

What's kind of interesting: after installing the app completely fresh on the simulator and without any subscriptions bought yet, it shows that it tries to pull some sort of subscription history for the user. So I guess maybe it has something to do with the account that's being used for app review? Just an idea, I don't have another clue otherwise...please let me know if you got it working!

Many thanks in advice!

StoreKit's manageSubscriptionsSheet view modifier not loading