WebView crash in iOS 17.4 beta4

The iOS 17.4 beta4 version was released this Tue(Feb.20). we received lots of web view crashes in this version. we have checkout our udpates we didn't do related code changes recently. Do you meet similar issues in your app? anyone can give some advices? Thanks

By crash report in Xcode, the crash frame is

WebKit: ***::Detail::CallableWrapper<WebKit::ProcessLauncher::launchProcess()::$_0::operator()(***::ThreadSafeWeakPtr<WebKit::ProcessLauncher>, _SEExtensionProcess*, ***::ASCIILiteral, NSError*) const::'la... + 2480

screenshot for the call stack is

This is a known issue in Seed 4 which should be fixed in future seeds. You may be able to work around it by extending the lifetime of the WKWebView (this is a race condition on WKWebView teardown).

Thanks for your quick response, glad to know there is a plan to fix this issue.

In last 24 hours, as the monitoring data in our app, the device crash rate caused by this issue is a little high(around 4%). so I want to know double confirm:

  1. this issue will be fixed before iOS17.4 is officially released, right?
  2. is there any ETA about next feed with the issue fix? after 0.5 month, 1 month, 2 months, or longer?


is the fix for the webkit crash issue included in iOS 17.4 RC released on Feb.27?

@hijackieyang My team's understanding is this is resolved in the iOS 17.4 Release Candidate. We're seeing our crash rate decline substantially since that was released.

WebView crash in iOS 17.4 beta4