Push To Talk - integration with Android


I am approaching the recent PTT Framework as my desire is to create a Walkie Talkie app. I watched the video and followed the documentation. I haven't managed to get it working yet, as there are some steps that aren't 100% clear to me.

But the biggest doubt right now is: if I manage to create a walkie talkie App that works with PTT Framework on SwiftUI, will I be able to integrate this functionality in some way with the Android version of the same App? I don't know if it's worth mentioning but my backend right now is Firebase.

The PushToTalk framework is designed to be integrated with existing backend Push to Talk systems that can also support other mobile platforms. The framework allows developers to implement their own audio encoding and networking protocols so that iOS PushToTalk apps are compatible with other platforms.

How so if the backend is APN? I don't see the option to use a custom backend to receive voice messages to relay it.

Push To Talk - integration with Android