Incorrect Attachment bounds VisionOS 1.1

We have been using attachment.bounds.extents to determine the size of a RealityView attachment at run time. It has been working fine until VisionOS 1.1 update. I wonder if we are doing something wrong as the release notes suggest some visual bounds calculation issue was fixed with the latest release. The funny thing is we did not have an issue before.

Below is how we access to height value:

let height = attachmentEntity.attachment.bounds.extents.y

Previously it returned the correct value. Now it returns 0.

I wonder if anyone else is having the same issue.

same here. they broke it somehow 😡

Had the same thing. I've implemented a temporary work around by checking if the returned float value for one of the dimensions isInfinite, and then handling layout as best we can until this functionality is working again. Submitted Feedback: FB13682542

Updated to visionOS 1.2 and have the same issue. I create a blank attachment (well, it has some buttons on the bottom) and use it as an anchor to place entities loaded from USD files. Knowing the size of this attachment would let me build a grid rather than doing it by trial and error.

Incorrect Attachment bounds VisionOS 1.1