Different CocoaPod files from M chip and Intel chip

Hello. I recently started digging into IOS development with flutter. I am using a MacBook Pro 2018 (intel) and one of my colleagues (with whom we are building an app) is using a very new Pro with M3 chip. We managed to setup, build and run our test app separately. So far so good. But once we started developing our own application, using Firebase and pushing to the same repo, we started having some issues - each time one of us delivers a podfile.lock file and/or Podfile, the other gets some build issues regarding Cocoapods. I started digging and as far as I understood there are differents in how CocoaPods is built depending of the chip - Intel or M. I also checked Cocoapods' documentation - it is suggested that pod files should be under source countrol. Well, okay, but how could we do that if we are using different laptops and that leads to constant build problems? I noticed that when I pull his changes, delete podfile.lock and run pod install, I am able to build the project. But this does not sound like a fix for this... I did not find any info anywhere, so all help would be highly appreciated! Thanks!

Move to swift package manager.

I'll look into it. Could you please explain more? Will it be hard to switch while in the middle of the development to Swift from Cocoapods?

Different CocoaPod files from M chip and Intel chip