"signature for the bundle is missing an application identifier"?

I am receiving an error message trying to upload an update for my macOS app to App Store Connect that I do not understand:

"Cannot be used with TestFlight because the signature for the bundle at “YourApp.app” is missing an application identifier but has an application identifier in the provisioning profile for the bundle. Bundles with application identifiers in the provisioning profile are expected to have the same identifier signed into the bundle in order to be eligible for TestFlight".

I have double-checked, and the nbunde identifier in the profile matches that in the Info.plist, and I have, in addition, now passed it via "--identifier" to code sign for the app bundle as well, but the error remains. Where else would the identifier be needed, and has this changed recently? (I last uploaded this app a year ago, w/o issues, and made no relevant changes). I am using a custom toolchain and not Xcode to build the app bundle and installer.

codesign -dvvv also reports the correct the bundle identifier back as expected.

any suggestions?

See TestFlight, Provisioning Profiles, and the Mac App Store.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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"signature for the bundle is missing an application identifier"?