How to determine UNLocationNotificationTrigger delivery

Hi. I'm looking to schedule a number of notifications based on the user's location and have them be triggered UNLocationNotificationTriggers. I want to know whether notifications get delivered so I can limit the number of notifications the user receives in a day. I was hoping I could determine their delivery by either the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate's method userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse) (which only knows when the user has tapped on the notification or deleted it) or by UNUserNotificationCenter.current().deliveredNotifications() (which should return the notification if it was delivered and is in the Notification Center).

UNUserNotificationCenter.current().deliveredNotifications() is not returning notifications that were delivered via UNLocationNotificationTriggers. I'm assuming this is for some privacy reason? All of the UNLocationNotificationTriggers are configured with notifyOnEntry to be true, notifyOnExit to be false, and repeats to be false. They get delivered appropriately, but I can't determine if/when they get delivered to ensure the user doesn't receive too many notifications. Notifications delivered with a UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger are returned as expected.

Is all of this by design or is there another way to determine when a notification scheduled with a UNLocationNotificationTrigger gets delivered? I'm just trying to create the best experience for my users. Thank you.

How to determine UNLocationNotificationTrigger delivery