Error trying to make work sign in with apple on joomla


I'm using Akeeba social login plugin with Joomla. I have been struggling for a couple of days to configure the sign in with apple option.

I followed the instructions provided by Akeeba. I'm able to click on the button, I go to apple, enter my apple id and password, then the system even does the 2FA.

I get returned to the web site with the error Error code 400 received requesting access token: {"error":"invalid_client"}.

I really don't know what can be wrong. I have been redoing the config for about 10 times.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you

Hello again

I found reading again the apple documentation that I have to include the Begin and end private key when I paste the content of the certificate in my akeeba configuration. So now, I think I have passed the error code 400.

Now I receive when I get back to the page Class "phpseclib\Crypt\RSA" not found0/home/***/domains/***.com/public_html/plugins/system/sociallogin/vendor/codercat/jwk-to-pem/src/JWKConverter.php71Array

What could be wrong.

Again, any help will be appreciated

Error trying to make work sign in with apple on joomla