CoreData Errors

Here is my basic problem. The app itself builds without issue, but when I simulate I get the following log in the debug console. The app also force closes when the Save function is selected with these errors. The app is a simple form which saves the data to a CoreData entity. It will do more (full CRUD) later after I deal with this particular issue. I have checked and rechecked class names, spelling issues, case sensitivities. I can not seem to find the issue.

error: No NSEntityDescription in any model claim the NSManagedObject subclass 'App.Entity' so +entity is confused. Have you loaded your NSManagedObject Model yet?


error: +[App.Entity entity] Failed to find a unique match for an NSEntityDescription to a managed object subclass

Can't do much without some code here. Where exactly does it crash? What code is running at the time?

CoreData Errors