MyApp hasn't added support for that with Siri

I added a custom intents extension to my project.

All seems to be correctly implemented:

  • in Targets' Signing & Capabilities Siri appears
  • in info.plist, NSUserActivityTypes specify the custom intent
  • in project entitlements, Siri is specified
  • in intent info.plist's, NSExtensionPrincipalClass specify the intent class
  1. The app asks permission to use Siri - I confirm permission.

  2. The app implements the button "Add to Siri" - I add the shortcut.

  3. If I start the shortcut manually, I'm able to perform all the provided actions.

  4. If I start the the intent selecting the app executable on the simulator, I'm able to perform all the actions using Siri with my voice

But ...

  • If I start the the intent selecting the app executable on the device, when I call Siri it responds "<app> hasn't added support for that with Siri"

  • If I try to call directly the shortcut with Siri on the device, Siri responds "<app> hasn't added support for that with Siri"

I googled on the Internet, but I'm still not able to understand what is going wrong. There are some settings that I'm forgetting?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Just a quick update. The problem seems to affect only my new iPhone 15 Pro, with iOS 17.3.1. I installed the app on my iPad with iOS 16.3.1 and it works perfectly! Settings seem to be the same in both devices. iOS 17.3.1 needs some specific settings?

Always me …

I searched a lot on the Internet and tried several solutions, but none of them worked. I even tried on my own “arguing” with shortcuts and finally I found a way to make it work. It sounds a little bit tricky, but for now it seems to be the only solution.

I added an empty shortcut named “Comando rapido” (my iPhone is localized in Italian - “Comando rapido“ is Apple translation for “shortcut”). If I invoke Siri with “Comando rapido”, it asks me what command I want to execute and then I can specify my application command, which runs successfully.

I cannot change the name “Comando rapido”, because any variation, even small, breaks the magic and again it doesn't work. If I add to “Comando rapido” my application command as the action to execute, nothing changes: if I invoke Siri with “Comando rapido”, it asks me what command I want to execute.

It's not a great solution, but it works. I hope this can help

MyApp hasn't added support for that with Siri